Death-Images: Revisiting Deleuze’s “Time-Image” in cinema after 1985 In her article “Death as Film-Philosophy’s Muse: Deleuzian Observations on Moving Images and the Nature of Time,” Susana Viegas has shown that Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the “time-image” (i.e. a way for moving images to present time breaking with the conception of the latter as a discrete […]

Vasco Baptista Marques’ new open-access article on Bill Morrison’s Decasia and Tributes-Pulse
The article “A Imagem-Morrente: Sobre Decasia e Tributes-Pulse, de Bill Morrison” [“The Dying-Image: On Bill Morrison’s Decasia and Tributes-Pulse“] has just been published in the latest issue of Aniki (https://aim.org.pt/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/1111). This essay reflects on Bill Morrison’s work through the concept of the “dying-image”—an image that gives visibility to the process of degradation inscribed in its own material support, […]

André Bazin: The Space of Myth
Marco Grosoli is presenting at André Bazin: The Space of Myth, an international film conference at Yale MacMillan Center: “Locating Sentiment—CloseUps in Sunset Blvd and Gold of Naples“ Abstract I will analyze André Bazin’s writings on Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard (1950) and Vittorio de Sica’s The Gold of Naples (1954). As regards the former, Bazin […]

Paolo Taviani’s Leonora addio (2022): A Look at Cultural Politics “Through the Eyes of Those Who Are No Longer”
Marco Grosoli will give a talk at University of Massachusetts Amherst, organized by its Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and the Film Studies Program. Abstract At the time of its release in 2022, Leonora addio was welcomed mostly as a harmless cinematic oddity. Yet there is more than meets the eye. For one thing, Leonora addio, the […]