Panel on Film & Death #1
Patrícia Castello Branco: "Film, Death, and Indigenous Ontology: The Shaman and Film as Bridges Between Life and Death"
Lucas Ferraço Nassif: "Transformative Acts: Film-Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Schizoanalysis"
Marco Grosoli: “'A Shadow Like Me'. Destructive Plasticity in Victor Erice’s Cerrar los ojos"
Panel on Film & Death #2
Vasco Baptista Marques: "An unlikely comment on Simmel and Jankélévitch’s debate on death and immortality: Albert Serra’s La Mort de Louis XIV"
Christine Reeh-Peters: "Towards an Ethics of Film Specters"
Pedro Inock: "The Right to Film Death: through the lens of Eric Steele’s The Bridge (2006)"
Keynote Speaker | Susana Viegas: “ "Film and Death: A Film-Philosophical Analysis of Cléo from 5 to 7"
@ Film-Philosophy 2024.
Espinho, Portugal