“A Imagem-morrente: Sobre Decasia e Tributes-Pulse, de Bill Morrison”
Aniki Vol.12 N.1 (2025), pp.5-32.
by Vasco Baptista Marques
“Death Images in Michael Haneke’s Films”
Philosophies Vol. 9 N. 5 (2024), p.155
by Susana Viegas
“Voir venir the New Wave: Plasticity in Jacques Rivette’s Film Criticism”
Film-Philosophy Vol. 28 N. 3 (2024), pp. 454-476.
by Marco Grosoli
“The Non-Anthropocentric Other in Film: Towards a Spectral Ethics of Film”
Philosophies Vol. 9 N. 5 (2024), 147
by Christine Reeh-Peters
“Death as Film-Philosophy’s Muse: Deleuzian Observations on Moving Images and the Nature of Time”
Film-Philosophy Vol. 27 N. 2 (June 2023), pp. 222-239.
by Susana Viegas
Introduction to Cinema’s Special issue “The Leftovers, Philosophy, and Popular Culture”
Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image Vol. 13 (December 2021), pp. 7-20.
by Susana Viegas
Introduction to Vorágine’s Special Dossier “Death, from Painting to Film: Philosophical Conversations”
Vorágine Revista Interdisciplinaria de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Vol. 5 Núm. 9 (August 2023), pp. v-ix. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8412265
by Susana Viegas