Reading groups

Reading group on Žižek’s Lacrimae Rerum with Jamieson Webster
Jamieson Webster's lecture “Breathing and the Unconscious”:
ABSTRACT Derrida famously said that philosophy always unites speech and breath making it pneumatological instead of grammatology — a whole world of privileging spirit over matter, trace, and writing. This question becomes more fascinating when looking at the history of psychoanalysis. Breuer, Fliess, Jung, Rank, Reich, and Ferenczi all touched on a question of breath, a moment that was identified by Freud as heretical, leading him to break violently from each of these figures. The choice was between breathing or Oedipus as the center of psychoanalytic work, between anxiety and symptom formation. What can breathing tell us about the unconscious and the talking cure?
Online event
17:00-18:00 WEST
Organised by Lucas Ferraço Nassif

Reading Group on Lamarre’s The Anime Machine
The FILM AND DEATH project is organizing a close reading of the preface and introduction of Thomas Lamarre’s book The Anime Machine: A Media Theory of Animation (University of Minnesota Press, 2009) on “how to read anime.”

If you are interested in joining us, please write back to us before February 16 (
This reading group is a preparation for the workshop he will give at the Ifilnova on March 9, 2024, titled “Half Life: Radiation and Animation”.
In-person event
Colégio Almada Negreiros (NOVA FCSH) Room 313 at 15:00-17:00.
Organised by Lucas Ferraço Nassif & Susana Viegas
February 19, 2024
February 26, 2024
March 4, 2024

Reading group on Žižek’s Lacrimae Rerum
Slavoj Žižek's essays on Kieślowski, Hitchcock, Tarkovsky, and Lynch, among other filmmakers, are the perfect way to begin with Žižek's approach to psychoanalysis, ideology, and cinema. This reading roundtable invites all researchers, professors, students, artists, and psychoanalysts interested in the ‘littoral’ space between psychoanalysis and cinema: working with the unconscious and language's clinic; of the desire to be the Other's desire, of repetitions, of transference and drives. What can we, in our five sessions, elaborate on this strand of land by the sea when reading Lacrimae Rerum together and talking about it? We will dive right in Lacan's psychoanalytic 'imaginary', 'symbolic' and 'real' orders in which the death-drive encapsulates all human drives.
Online event
17:00-18:00 WEST
Organised by Lucas Ferraço Nassif & Susana Viegas
29/06/2023 First chapter on Kieślowski
25/07/2023 Second chapter on Hitchcock
07/09/2023 Third chapter on Tarkovsky
12/10/2023 Fourth chapter on Lynch

Reading Group on Malabou’s “Destructive Plasticity”
Catherine Malabou is mostly known as the philosopher of plasticity, a concept she drew mainly from her groundbreaking interpretation of Hegel. Not only “the nature of that which is ‘plastic’, being at once capable of receiving and of giving form”, plasticity is also the destruction of form as its non-transcendental condition of possibility. “Destructive plasticity” thus concerns the paramount role of death in life processes: in order to give and take form, subjectivity needs to “explode” from time to time and face its own erasure.
Itself a plastic concept, plasticity strongly informed Malabou’s encounters with some of today’s most pressing issues, like (among others) the neurosciences (whose plasticity-centred notion of subjectivity she showed as strikingly similar to Hegel’s), artificial intelligence, anarchism, feminism.
Spring 2025: March 31, April 14, April 28, May 12, May 26, and June 9 – 17h-18h (WEST)
Organized by Marco Grosoli
Sessions will be recorded.
Further details will be circulated in due course.